• Question: Can you give me some interesting facts about nanoparticles?

    Asked by Hyperwave to Arthur on 18 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Arthur Wilkinson

      Arthur Wilkinson answered on 18 Jun 2015:

      Nanoparticles have at least one dimension smaller than 100 nanometres (100 nm). 100 nm is about a thousand time smaller than the diameter of a human hair. nanoparticles often have very different properties than the bulk material from which they are made (gold nanoparticles are very different to a large lump of gold metal). The particles I use are forms of carbon; carbon nanotubes (diameters of tens of nm) and graphene flakes (thickness of 1 nm) or graphite nanoplatelets (thicknesses of 10-30 nm or less). The nanoparticles that people come across most often are in sunscreen lotions.
